Plans are underway for our next Family Film Screening where we showcase completed projects of our awesome students. Better yet, donated tickets are provided to children in shelters and families in transition so they can enjoy at day at the movies for FREE!!  

** Sponsor a Child or Family. Contact Simone at to learn more. **


Authorbeyond exp

It's a wrap!

We closed down the summer with a phenomenal group of students from Trenton, Princeton, and Willingboro High School Making Visions Possible program who participated in our Sports Media Program.

With the engaging hands-on instruction of Executive Producer Leontyne Anglin, the students worked together to develop original show ideas, conducted interviews with the special guests, created a production schedule, and taped 3 LIVE segments in the studio!

All students received certificates and their own personal autographed photo of Former Philadelphia Eagle Reggie "Truck" Brown.

Thanks to MVP Program Director Greg Smith, Guest Facilitators Olena Feltes, Reggie Brown, and Princeton Community Television for providing the great venue.

BE wraps up with another group of awesome students  

We wrapped our Spring 2015 series with awesome students that joined our Television Studio Production classes and Speedcrewing Workshops. They range in age from 10 - 18 years old enabling opportunities for the older students to gain peer leadership experience.

We jumped right in with basic media terminology -- assigning different studio crew assignments from producer to floor manager to enhance their communication skills and begin to understand the importance of collaboration.

It's always amazing when we start to uncover the wealth of hidden talents in young people. We can already see the makings of success on the horizon in this class, too!

Authorbeyond exp