Press Conference with Governor Phil Murphy

February 26 — New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy joined state lawmakers, advocates and employers to promote the state’s new Paid Sick Leave Law. Today marked the day that workers who started receiving paid sick leave when the law took effect last October could begin taking advantage of their accrued sick days. The official Press Conference announcing the important day for the state was held at the Hamilton, NJ based corporate headquarters of Princetel, Inc.

Beyond Expectations Executive Director Leontyne Anglin was invited to the event and presented a Certificate of Appreciation to Princetel CEO Barry Zhang for his recent participation in our television production and continued dedication to youth and community.

(Read more >>)


Authorbeyond exp

BETV is back!

Feb 12 — We’re gearing up for a new season of Beyond Expectations Television (BETV).

Students are completing their Introduction to Television Studio Production training offered at the Mercer County based Sprout U School of the Arts under the direction of Leontyne Anglin. They’re working hard to learn media terminology, conducting guest research, and taking advantage of hands-on instruction as camera operators, interviewers, studio crew and preparing production schedules for their upcoming shows.

CEOs, entrepreneurs, and local business leaders have been secured as featured guests for the new student led and produced segments which will be taped in front of a LIVE studio audience at Riverview Studios.

Stay tuned…

Authorbeyond exp

Tech Tuesdays…

Opportunities in technology are vast and ever changing. We believe in getting youth exposed early!

Led by CEO DroneTech UAS Tony Reid with Beyond Expectations Executive Director Leontyne Anglin, more than 60 students at two Trenton based schools were introduced to Drone Technology today.

Our first stop was with the Columbus Elementary School STEM Club. Through a completely interactive hands-on session, students were teamed in pairs (Remote Pilot in Command and Visual Observer) with a mission to operate the drones and get them safely in flight!

We then headed to the Sprout University School of the Arts working with middle schoolers engaging in more in-depth discussion on the potential career, business opportunities, and practical safety guidelines. Following their drills to getting drones in flight, they were introduced to Virtual Reality through the Oculus Rift.


Both Tony and Leontyne are FAA Certified Commercial Remote Pilots, Certified Instructors, and entrepreneurs in their respective technology disciplines. Leontyne is also an Aerospace Education Member with the Civil Air Patrol.

Both are members of a consortium of industry leading UAS pilots from across the country and the Caribbean who focus on Training, Education, and Deployment of aerial systems technology.

Very special thanks to Tony Reid for his time, commitment, energy and expertise!!

>> NEXT ON DECK: to introduce basic Coding instruction to write and learn programming concepts that control drones and keep them in the air … then explore broader opportunities in the field of Aviation.

Authorbeyond exp

Behind the Scenes — Sculpture Workshop


August 18 - Beyond Expectations has continued to partner with internationally recognized Sculptors from the 42-acre Grounds for Sculpture park and museum. We're leveraging art as a tool to bridge the gap between the artists and amazingly talented youth across Mercer and Burlington counties. 


Our final Summer Sculpt Workshop & Exhibit entitled "Vessels" was led by renowned Sculptor Clifford Ward


Special thanks to the entire awesome team at Artworks Visual Art Center. 


More artists have expressed interest in sharing their expertise in the future. Looking forward to more collaborative opportunities in 2019.


#youth #art #partnerships

Authorbeyond exp