Exploring opportunities in S.T.E.A.M through Aviation
May 25 — Ewing, NJ Beyond Expectations Summer Young Entrepreneurs & Careers Academy is rapidly approaching!
As we seek to expand our S.T.E.A.M initiatives, students from SproutU School of the Arts received a preview into what’s to come with an early introduction to careers in UAS, commercial and corporate aviation.
Memorial Day holiday provided an ideal opportunity to discuss service to community with fixed wing pilots from the Civil Air Patrol. The day wrapped with an exciting private tour inside the airport hangar courtesy of Signature Flight.
Special thanks to @Barry Zhang for his leadership and assistance with organizing such a memorable day. Thankful as well for Capt. Shelley Ewalt, Lt. Jim O'Connor, and 1st Lt. Commander Rob McClellan for their time and long standing commitment to youth.
#youthentrepreneurship #careers #aviation #SignatureFlight #NJWingCAP hashtag#communityservice #memorialday #youthleadership #STEM #aerospace #SproutUschoolofthearts #BeyondExpectations