Former student Chental Song Bembry has been selected to receive the prestigious Early Risers award at the 2015 BET Honors.

We initially met Chental as an invited guest on a BETV segment hosted by our students when she was just 16 years old. She returned to attend our TV Studio Production workshop as a student herself, then later became a Media Intern helping other young people get started. She is now a broadcast journalism major at Hampton University Scripps School of Journalism and Communications.

                                                                                             Highlights from Chental's first guest interview

Student Co-Hosts: Rudmita Mark, Ciara Stanley, Janina Calle Taped on location at Riverview Television Studios

Chental is currently working on turning her books into an animated series, writing 90-minute holiday specials and several episodes for 11-minute TV segments.

We're excited to see her recognized on a national level for her achievements as an author, entrepreneur, and motivational speaker. She also happens to be a sincere, caring, intelligent, and amazingly talented young lady.


Authorbeyond exp

Author and Beyond Expectations volunteer, Chelsea L. Dixon, M.S., M.A.T., has just published a new book designed to help high school students and their parents bridge the gap to college. Bridging the Gap: A Simple Guide to College is an easy to read, easy to follow guide that gives students and parents the information and confidence needed to get started on the college process.

Authorbeyond exp

It's really never too early to introduce young people to media ...

January 10 -- The JISU Experience is an organization that provides service, assistance and education to separated and reunited siblings. A group of wonderful youth participated in Beyond Expectations Speedcrewing Workshop.

In addition to hands-on camera instruction, they learned to setup film equipment and then worked as a crew to capture the stories they created during a Vision Board exercise.

We've worked with young people before...but this time we even had two little ones (3 and 7 years old) show up with the "big kids" and we just couldn't say no.

Authorbeyond exp